Статьи • Рубрика "О публичных выступлениях"
Bridegroom Speeches - Basic Tips
The bridegroom speech is very important in any wedding ceremony. When the bridegroom is going to give his speech he has to keep few things in his mind. If you keep these things in mind you can deliver a very good speech. Practice your speech well at home. Write it down on a sheet of paper and practice it in front of the mirror. You might be scared to give a public speech, if you have never given one before or are afraid of public speaking.
You Need To Cough
Speakers are human. Sometimes you are speaking and you feel a cough or sneeze coming up. What should you do? Recently I noticed three speakers coughing while presenting on stage. Only one handled it well. Learn from the mistakes and the one good example.
Why Do We Fear Public Speaking?
Perhaps it's the way that you learned to speak in public. Most of us started speaking when we were around 1 year old. Our first words were enthusiastically cultivated and celebrated by our parents. Out first public speaking was what we did on the phone to our grand-parents.
The Greatest Speech I Never Delivered
I was a shy student but I wanted to be popular - especially with the girls. I believed that if I became president of the high school student council I would become popular. It was apparent to me that the way to become president of the high school council was to deliver a popularity-winning speech to the school assembly. I noticed that the one who became president was the one who delivered the best speech.
Борьба слушателей с оратором
Аудитория склонна сопротивляться воздействию, которое пытается оказать на нее оратор, в силу стремления каждой личности противостоять внушению. В процессе выступления также может возникнуть ряд помех. Однако внимание и доверие любой аудитории можно завоевать. Вот несколько практических советов.
The Art of Puiblic Speaking for Those Who Fear Speaking in Public
The fear of speaking in public is one of the most common of human conditions. In most people public speaking opportunities makes them feel scared, if not, at the very least, nervous. All too often people pay no attention to speaking skills considering them inconsequential or they believe that they will never be called on to speak in public.